In compliance with the Electronic Communications Act, which entered into force on 25 July 2003, anyone who visits a website that uses cookies must be presented with the following information: The website you are visiting uses cookies. What these cookies are used to. How cookies can be avoided. On our web site we use so-called session cookies to know users session and for verifying the login. The cookie is set when you enter the website and save the language and what service you have just read about. None of this is stored with us, but are there to help you find what you want in as simple a manner as possible. If you do not want to use cookies you can disable them in your browser. However, you will get a warning that they needed to use the site, and you will not be able to apply for a service or login. Session cookies are harmless and can not be used to harm your computer. Session cookies disappear from your computer when you close your browser, and therefore can not be used in any way to track you over time.